
Famolde e GLN Plast Inovadora Cotec 2021


Statute INOVADORA COTEC 2021 1600 900 GLN

Cotec Portugal has distinguished two companies of the GLN Group with the statute of “INOVADORA COTEC 2021”. This…

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GLN Recognized as “Queen of Molds” of the Automotive World

GLN Recognized as “Queen of Molds” of the Automotive World 1600 900 GLN

The publication “Dinheiro Vivo” interviewed our CEO, José Carlos Gomes, in an interview explaining the manufacturing process of GLN Molds and Plastic Injection.

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GLN has been distinguished as a Delta partner in the first biodegradable coffee capsule

GLN has been distinguished as a Delta partner in the first biodegradable coffee capsule

GLN has been distinguished as a Delta partner in the first biodegradable coffee capsule 1600 900 GLN

“Delta Cafés added corn, sugar cane and cassava and, from this compound, developed the first 100% organic coffee capsule in Portuguese market.”

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GLN MEXICO receives recognition from the Guanajuato automotive cluster

GLN MEXICO receives recognition from the Guanajuato automotive cluster

GLN MEXICO receives recognition from the Guanajuato automotive cluster 1600 900 GLN

Last October 17th, GLN México received the award of best supplier of services and indirect materials 2018, from the Automotive Cluster of Guanajuato (City of Leon).

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    GLN Molds
    GLN Plast
    GLN Mexico
    GLN Innov