IPL + INDUSTRY 2017/2018 Scholarships – Two awarded students visit GLN

IPL + INDUSTRY 2017/2018 Scholarships – Two awarded students visit GLN 1600 900 GLN

In the framework of the “IPL + Industry” Cooperation Protocol, between CEFAMOL, IPL and NERLEI, GLN once again awarded “IPL + INDUSTRY” Scholarships, which aim to reward the academic merit of undergraduate students from IPL.

GLN rejoins this initiative in the academic year 2017/2018 and awarded scholarships to Miguel Alexandre Felicidade André of the Mechanical Engineering course and to Rafaela Alexandra Pisco Ferreira, in Industrial Engineering and Management.

On the 2nd of February 2018, the students visited GLN – Maceira, accompanied by a delegation, made up of representatives from IPL, NERLEI and Cefamol.

The 37 students of the Leiria Polytechnic, distinguished with the “IPL Indústria” scholarships 2016/2017, visited the 27 companies that supported these prizes between January 19th and February 2nd. The “IPL Indústria” scholarships, whose value will bear the costs of an annual tuition set by IPLeiria, are granted to students who enter with a higher average in the courses selected by the companies.

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