
Leading Promoter

ADDITIVE COOLING | Add Cooling to Additive Manufacturing
Project Number| POCI-01-0247-FEDER-010972 | Portugal Central
The objective of the project Additive Cooling involves the optimization of molds for the injection of molded parts with complex geometry with thin walls and high surface quality. This optimization involves a redefinition of the entire line of the conception of the mold, from the design to the manner of the production of molding areas, including the molding processes with the dynamic control of the temperature, HOT.COOLING systems by gas flows, to obtain parts with high surface quality, especially for the automotive and aeronautics sectors.
Implementation Period | 2016-04-01 to 2018-09-30
Approval Date | 2016-05-11
Main Goal | Promote research, technological development and innovation
Total eligible cost | 360.380,41 EUR
Funding | FEDER 167 519,59 EUR