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MONSOON | MOdel-based coNtrol framework for Site-wide OptimizatiON of data-intensive processes
Project Number | Grant Agreement N. 723650
The Monsoon project aims to establish a methodology and data-driven tools to support the identification and exploration of potential optimizations, through its application in a collaborative environment, where large amounts of production data are collected and processed in a scalable way. It´s control then enables compliance optimization goals, thanks to hybrid simulation and integration techniques to facilitate rapid prototyping and implementation in real conditions in production.
In short, MONSOON, presents a model-based predictive control that works in a form of multi-scale different layers SCADA pyramid, which will enable a wide optimization of manufacturing processes, thus stimulating matching information in operations on a “global” platform in real time, improving the integration and control maintenance.
Implementation Period | 2016-10-01 to 2019-09-30
Approval Date | 2016-06-24Total cost | 5 497 190,00 EUR
Funding | H2020-IND-CE-2016-17/H2020-SPIRE-2016 239.256,25 EUR