
Leading Promoter

MPDS | Medical Protection Device for Surgical use
Project Number | POCI-01-0247-FEDER-017637 | Portugal Central and North
The MPDS project aims to address a new societal need, of detachment and individual protection, through research, development, validation and pre-industrialization, of an innovative, intelligent and modular surgical helmet that in the first phase will respond to the most pressing needs in the health sector. , such as, for example, surgical interventions in the area of orthopedics or dentistry, allowing to guarantee adequate comfort levels for the performance of the activity, but with a potential for application in other very significant sectors. Thus, the ambition of the present project is to develop a protective helmet, with a modular architecture, for use in surgeries with or without dome, with a structure and materials that allow compatibility between weight, comfort, hygiene and integration of connectivity and communication. , including in addition to the voice, visual communication (facial expressions). To this end, we intend to carry out a set of R&D activities focused on the development of a single, modular body structure, with suitable / appropriate materials that are easy to clean / sterilize and of low weight, an electronics module and connectivity with a flexible architecture for customizations in the digital functionalities to the different use cases, the management system for interoperability with other devices near by and the industrialization process in order to ensure flexible productions.
Implementation Period | 2020-06-01 a 2021-02-28
Approval Date | 2020-05-19
Main Goal | Promote research, technological development and innovation
Total eligible cost | 499.973,09 EUR
European Union Funding (FEDER) | 399.978,47 EUR
Funding | FEDER 67 556,96 EUR GLN PLAST | 151 613,16 EUR FAMOLDE